Why Am I Still Depressed?
(The Top 4 Mistakes You’re Making)

Treating Hormone Imbalances

This expert report outlines 4 things you don't know about overcoming depression (even chronic or treatment resistant depression).

We truly understand the profound weariness that comes from battling depression for many years, exploring various treatments and approaches without finding lasting relief.

Please don't give up on searching for new treatments. There are now breakthrough approaches that can help you break free from depression. You don’t have to live with it for the rest of your life.

This eGuide is a NEW starting point, shedding light on 4 foundational mistakes that prevent people from fully recovering from depression, and it offers a practical, step-by-step guide on how to begin your healing journey out of depression.


This Essential Guide Will Show You…

  • The 4 Top Real Reasons Why You're Still Struggling: Understand why traditional treatments might not be working and what you can do differently. 

  • Breakthrough Approaches to Recovery: Learn about innovative, research-backed methods that offer new hope for overcoming depression.

  • The Power of Mindset: Understand why changing your mindset is crucial for your healing journey and how to start believing in your own recovery.

  • Root Causes Revealed: Find out how underlying physical health issues might be contributing to your depression symptoms and the steps you can take to uncover and address them.

  • Holistic Healing: Get practical guidance on adopting a comprehensive, whole-person approach to treat depression from every angle in order to achieve true recovery.

  • The Importance of Integration: Discover how integrating key habits into your daily routine can lead you to lasting recovery from depression.

  • And Discover Exactly How to Start Your Healing Journey…

Meet the Team


Dr. Stein is an osteopathic physician who has been in practice as a board-certified psychiatrist for 25+ years. She is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a Fellow of the American College of Neuropsychiatry, and awarded the Exemplary Psychiatrist Award by NAMI-RI in 2008.

She is certified by the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine (ABIHM) and is a certified practitioner of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFMCP).

Dr. Kat Toups. M.D., DFAPA, IFMCP

Dr. Toups, is a Functional Medicine Psychiatrist and researcher using multi-modal approaches to treat Depression.

She is a Board-Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (the highest honor bestowed by the APA), and a Certified Practitioner with the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Dr. Toups has been practicing Psychiatry for over 30 years, and Functional Medicine Psychiatry for more than a decade.

Patricia Daly. MSc, dipNT, mBANT, rCNHC

Patricia Daly is an experienced and internationally recognized nutritional therapist (MSc, dipNT, mBANT, rCNHC) specializing in the personalized application of ketogenic metabolic therapies for recovery from chronic health challenges. She credits the ketogenic lifestyle for successfully quieting an aggressive eye tumor she was diagnosed with in 2010.

In 2021, she completed her MSc degree in “Advanced Nutrition in Research and Practice” at Middlesex University in London.

Meet Silvia Covelli

Silvia Covelli is an honors graduate from Boston College and a former social science researcher at Harvard University. She pursued graduate studies in finance and business law, and dedicated her career to entrepreneurship, becoming a skilled business strategist. Silvia is the founder of the Healing Depression Project. Her personal life struggle with chronic depression, coupled with her rich background in mind-body medicine, led her to develop a program that remarkably eradicated 25 years of depression symptoms, leaving her depression-free ever since.

Silvia brings over 30 years of expertise in overcoming chronic and treatment-resistant depression, drawn from her own personal battle, the numerous programs and treatments she has undergone, the extensive study and research she has done, and her work in helping others recover.


3 Little-Known Facts About Depression

Maybe It's Not "All In Your Head"

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) can often be linked to underlying biological factors ...
like inflammation, hormonal imbalances, or metabolic dysfunctions. While these issues may fly under the radar, they can majorly impact the effectiveness of traditional treatments. That's why in metabolic psychiatry, we dig deeper to identify and address these root causes... so you can finally find lasting relief from depressive symptoms.

What Is "Metabolic Psychiatry"?

Metabolic psychiatry is a game-changer in the world of depression. It dives deep into the complex relationship between your body's cellular and metabolic processes and your brain's functioning. By exploring factors like insulin resistance, inflammation, and mitochondrial / cellular dysfunction, metabolic psychiatry uncovers hidden imbalances that can fuel depression. This cutting-edge approach is all about treating the whole person... not just the symptoms.

The Missing Piece: Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle medicine is the secret weapon you never knew you needed in your fight against depression. While traditional antidepressants can be helpful, lifestyle medicine takes your treatment to the next level. By focusing on simple yet powerful habits like nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management, lifestyle medicine helps you build a solid foundation for lasting mental health. It's not about quick fixes... it's about creating a life that truly nourishes your mind, body, and soul.